“E Você Também”

Art Direction, Graphic Design and Photo Shoot Direction

A campaign to celebrate beauty and employee's favorites products from Natura brand.


Relatório Anual | Annual Report 2016 

Art Direction, Graphic Design, Infographics and Photo Shoot Direction

Real stories showcased to the Annual Report in a magazine format report, to make it easier to read and display information.


Art Direction and Graphic Design 

Art Direction and Graphic Design

A serie of 5 videos that bring questions about the hottest news of the Company, in a fun way.
This serie belongs to a bigger campaign that had the challenge to inform employees and test their knowledge about Natura and its history.


Semana de Paixão por Produtos 

Art Direction and Graphic Design


Homem Especiarias 

Graphic Design

New product launch visuals.



Art Direction, Graphic Design and Photo Shoot Direction

Employees starring internal campaign to engage more people to use hashtags and social media internally.